
In this strange time of lockdown, I’m noticing more birdsong.  Are you?  We live on the edge of a semi-rural town in West Wiltshire, near to a road but not far from deep countryside, so birds are generally forthcoming. Recently, even more so.

I was trying to assemble found materials from my garden last weekend to create a kind of arty garden film.  I collected dead leaves and twigs from the sides of the fence but I rapidly abandoned my venture.  Film-making is much harder than it looks.  Finding the little film on my phone, what I notice most now is the sound of the birds singing.  Can you hear them?


16 thoughts on “Birdsong”

  1. Yes, Josephine!
    I’m finding, given less human background noise, natural sounds seem louder: even in the middle of the city.
    (Though I could do without the birds that sing before dawn, and the screaming fox, LOL!)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Delightful.
    On a a slightly bleaker note (Why do you have to spoil the mood!) : we are having more and more feral pigeons down desperate for feeding. Their usual round of feeders has shrunk alarmingly.
    And I dare not think about the city birds, so accustomed to their daily provision by careless workers, shoppers etc.
    Let’s just enjoy what we have immediately before us, for the time being, and to come.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There have been pigeons nesting under solar panels in an adjacent garden for a couple of years, their population keeps growing. How can you tell if they’re ‘feral’?? Aren’t all pigeons? Their roosting sound is like an engine purring loudly! Do you think the insect population will recover with councils postponing pesticide-spraying and hedgerow trimming? Hope you’re well.


      1. This ‘feral’ subject is an awkward one. They have been around people, as rock doves, since the caves. They are very familiar, and often approach us. Quite a few are racing birds that lost their way – we have had a few of those. Their owners sometimes collect them, sometimes not. We even have white doves, here – released for weddings etc. Some of the more unscrupulous suppliers do not train their stock to return, apparently. They are then ‘lost’.
        The big question is, perhaps, what will happen in the afterwards – will all go back to the unseemly mess again, and probably worse? Or will there be changes? Will Councils carry-on chopping trees down wantonly, spraying toxically?
        Will there be any money left, for any of this? (Don’t go there.)
        We seem to be ok here. And you and yours?

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Yes, all of these questions and many more, often in the middle of the night. We are all fine, both children moved back from uni (one now revising for her final exams which will be taken online). Luckily we get on reasonably well and enough physical space. We are taking each day as it comes. Keep well and it’s lovely to connect here.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Reading your post brought to mind this memory. I was living in Japan and we were expecting a typhoon. But it turned out to be a beautiful day and I woke up to birdsong. I remember being filled with a sense of wellbeing that morning. What effect does birdsong have on you?


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