Not just poems

In between the other stuff, I’m taking a free online course at FutureLearn called Explore Animation.  During the lockdown, I started experimenting with my phone, making collages and a poetry film and I’m curious to learn basic animation to see if I can extend my skills and perhaps combine poetry and storytelling with animation.  I am completely out of my comfort zone with both my drawing skills and my tech skills but it’s kind of interesting and fun.

I’m not the only person who’s been looking into new ways of working recently. In the lockdown, poet Hilaire worked in collaboration with artist Stephen J Graham observing what she saw from her second-floor window in Battersea, London.  They live only a  few streets from each other but a world apart during lockdown when they communicated via text in order to compile a series of poems and illustrations which they’ve made into an A5 book called Indoors Looking Out: A Creative Exchange in Constrained Circumstances which I absolutely love. Hilaire has written about their collaboration in this blog post.

Have you tried something new recently or during lockdown?


7 thoughts on “Not just poems”

  1. I like the idea of doing a basic animation course, so at a later stage I might see if it’s running again. At the Leeds Uni adult learning department they used to run summer schools and I did two one-day courses in 2 separate years on graphic art ie cartoons. Like you my drawing skills are extremely limited but it was great fun and chimed nicely with prose writing.
    Nothing new under lockdown, just been busy writing. Though I have been keeping a diary on most days – slacking off now!

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