The impact of receiving funding on my creative practice: update about a 2018 Local Artist’s Bursary

The image is a photo of Stonehenge taken from a car driving on the A303. The ancient stones can be seen in the near distance with faded green grass in the foreground and a blue sky with white clouds above.

Poetry is a slow business, at least it is for me. In 2018 I was awarded a local artist's bursary of £2000 from Ginkgo Projects/Bloor Homes to write poems in response to the landscape in and around Amesbury. I wrote a little about the bursary and my research for the poems on this blog as… Continue reading The impact of receiving funding on my creative practice: update about a 2018 Local Artist’s Bursary

Trowbridge to Avebury on the Number 49 Bus

It's November and the weather is alternatively grey and grim or sunny and seriously cold, and the news is pretty dreadful these days, so I thought I'd cheer myself up by remembering a lovely bus journey I took on a beautiful day in October - when it was as warm as June. As part of… Continue reading Trowbridge to Avebury on the Number 49 Bus

Circles and Wildflowers

I'm really enjoying writing poems for 'Frames of Reference', part of the public art programme for King's Gate, Amesbury, commissioned by Ginkgo Projects and funded by Bloor Homes. I'm one of six Wiltshire-based artists who've been given a Local Artist Bursary for this project.  You can read about some of the other artists and see… Continue reading Circles and Wildflowers

Mid-week catch up

I thought I'd write a quick blog about what I've been up to recently.  I've been fairly busy since my book came out in late June, travelling around doing readings, organising Trowbridge Stanza, attending a few poetry readings, reading poems for And Other Poems, writing new poems, entering a few poetry competitions, researching and writing… Continue reading Mid-week catch up

Local Artist Bursary from Ginkgo Projects / Bloor Homes

The image is a photo of Stonehenge taken from a car driving on the A303. The ancient stones can be seen in the near distance with faded green grass in the foreground and a blue sky with white clouds above.

I'm pleased to say that I've been awarded a Local Artists Bursary by Ginkgo Projects, funded by Bloor Homes for the Kings Gate Public Art Programme, which I am using to write some new poems in response to the landscape and heritage of the area in and around Amesbury, Wiltshire. I live in the west… Continue reading Local Artist Bursary from Ginkgo Projects / Bloor Homes