Buying New Glasses in a Pandemic

I was worried - how could I not be worried, given the news reports of the rise and rise of new cases of Covid-19 across the UK? But my last eye-test was two and half years ago and my most recent pair of glasses continues to disintegrate after several repair attempts, and I have been… Continue reading Buying New Glasses in a Pandemic

Collages of Exasperation

During lockdown, I started a new Instagram account called andothermakings where I've posted some of my visual poems, experiments with collage and assemblage, and various dabblings with word and image. Last week, I was provoked to add new pieces to the account, mainly because I didn't know how else to express my exasperation with the… Continue reading Collages of Exasperation

With lockdown hair and a face mask, I rejoin the world

An empty bench in front of rough grass

I'm writing this post while sitting on a bench by the side of the canal in Bradford-on-Avon.  I'm writing in a small sparkly notebook and I'll type up these notes later when I return home.  It's nearly 3pm on Friday, 3rd July, 2020.  I left home just after 2pm to catch the train here, just… Continue reading With lockdown hair and a face mask, I rejoin the world

Corona Diary: One month in

It's one month since we started lockdown in the UK and about six weeks since I wrote my first blog post about this time of the Covid-19 pandemic. People talk about not knowing what day it is, about time passing slowly, or quickly, or both; one day merging into the next, sleep patterns disrupted, routines… Continue reading Corona Diary: One month in

Lockdown Conversations

I'm thinking about new things happening during lockdown and one thing is unexpected subjects turning up in conversation now that we're spending more time at home and, for some of us, more time than usual with the same group of people.  I'm here in Wiltshire with Andrew, my husband, and our two adult children who've… Continue reading Lockdown Conversations

Corona Diary: Lockdown Continues

Last week started off gloomily with instructions from my local police force - and other police forces - that the UK lockdown meant people weren't allowed to drive even a short distance to find open space to exercise.  The thought that I'd be breaking the law if I drove  somewhere nearby to stomp through woods… Continue reading Corona Diary: Lockdown Continues

Corona Diary: Possibly Week 3 – but are you counting?

I'm not sure if this strange time had a proper beginning and I certainly can't see its end.  This week I haven't wanted to be online much even though there has been an explosion of people offering online workshops, readings and classes.  I've been slightly ill and still feel under the weather but I'm  sure… Continue reading Corona Diary: Possibly Week 3 – but are you counting?

Corona Diary: One Week In

Things I've done this week for the first time in my life: attended a webinar about what older women want to read (unfortunately I kept losing my internet connection). went to my writing fiction class via Zoom (never heard of it before).  Overheard comments: "I should've worn make-up!" "I'm not switching my camera on because… Continue reading Corona Diary: One Week In

Corona Diary – Day One

Hello out there, dear readers.  I thought I'd share with you how I'm getting used to living in the new normal of a global pandemic.  As yet, our household of four adults isn't showing any signs of having the virus - no continuous coughing or high temperatures.  Our daughter is a student at Oxford University… Continue reading Corona Diary – Day One