Thoughts on how to set up a residency #writerinschool

My weekly visits to St Gregory's Catholic College, Bath, have come to an end now that the school year has finished.  I'm grateful to Headteacher, Ann Cusack, for inviting me to be Writer in Residence for a year, and to all students and staff who welcomed me to the school community and ensured that I… Continue reading Thoughts on how to set up a residency #writerinschool

Finding a hand-built lathe on my daily walk

When I was on the Aldeburgh Eight Advanced Poetry Seminar at Bruisyard Hall last November with seven other poets, I was encouraged to go for a walk every morning at nine o'clock.  When I say 'encouraged' I mean that the eight of us, in pairs, whatever the weather, were turfed out of the house for a thirty… Continue reading Finding a hand-built lathe on my daily walk

Glassy-eyed, on the move, between places

This week's photo challenge, 'On the Move',  has made me think of all the time I've spent (years, probably, if I added it up) staring through the windows of buses and trains.  The photo of my son, taken several years ago while we were on holiday in Devon when he was about eight years old, could… Continue reading Glassy-eyed, on the move, between places

Spring in my step!

I thought I'd do another post as a response to the WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge which, this week, is Spring!  I'm enjoying the many pictures and descriptions of birds, flowers and wildlife which are cropping up all over Instagram, Facebook and all the usual social media places, as well as on WordPress blogs, of course. I… Continue reading Spring in my step!