The Day before GCSE Results Day

I originally wrote this post four years ago, the day before my oldest child took her first public exams.  That same child is now in her second year at university and the second one is about to leave for university in September.  I thought I'd share the post again as it's GCSE Results Day here… Continue reading The Day before GCSE Results Day

On continuing to read with your kids

Like many parents, my husband and I have always read with our children.  When they were babies, we read fairy stories and nursery rhymes to them and gave them board books to chew and dribble over.  Touch-and-feel books were popular, as were lift-the-flap books (usually reinforced with triple layer sellotape to cater for even the most boisterous of… Continue reading On continuing to read with your kids

The Day before GCSE Results Day

Twenty-four hours before my oldest child receives her GCSE results, it’s hard not to relive the day the game was up for me.   One thing I've learned about being a parent is that  it's impossible not to revisit my own past as my children grow older. Until my ‘O’ Level (as these exams were called… Continue reading The Day before GCSE Results Day