Translating poetry

I really enjoyed reading this post by Paul Stephenson about how he approached translating lines from a Jacques Brel song and incorporating them into a new poem 'The Disposal.'  This is one of four wonderful poems Paul wrote about being in Paris last November during the terrorist attacks, published at The Compass an excellent online magazine. I… Continue reading Translating poetry

Postcard from Spain.

I'm just back from a week in southern Spain with my family.  As well as swimwear and sundresses, I packed my notebooks, pens, draft poems and plenty of reading material, including these two books by Vicki Feaver.  Vicki was kind enough to send two new poems from her forthcoming collection to my poetry blog, And… Continue reading Postcard from Spain.

WordWeavers at Trowbridge Museum – First Session

For those who couldn't make it…. A summary of what we did.  Confession: I stole the warm-up exercises from Vicki Feaver and Hugh Dunkerley who used them on a Creative Writing module at Chichester University in the early 1990s. First, a quick warm-up exercise: write, in two minutes, a list of possible uses for this object Then, write… Continue reading WordWeavers at Trowbridge Museum – First Session